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How to remove auto-generated YOSYS comments?

When I synthetize my verilog code using YOSYS the netlist generated contains comments like: (* src = "counter.v:6" *). I want to obtain a netlist file without these comments.

This is my counter.v

module counter (clk, rst, en, count);
    input clk, rst, en;
    output reg [1:0] count;

    always @(posedge clk)
        if (rst)
            count <= 2'd0;
        else if (en)
            count <= count + 2'd1;

This is my YOSYS script counter.ys:

read_verilog counter.v
hierarchy -check -top counter
proc; opt; memory; opt; fsm; opt
techmap; opt
splitnets -ports;;
dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib
abc -liberty mycells.lib
write_verilog netlist.v

And this is the output file netlist.v

/* Generated by Yosys 0.8+576 (git sha1 dd8d264b, clang 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 -fPIC -Os) */

(* top =  1  *)
(* src = "counter.v:1" *)
module counter(clk, rst, en, \count[0] , \count[1] );
  (* src = "counter.v:6" *)
  wire _00_;
  (* src = "counter.v:6" *)
  wire _01_;
  wire _02_;
  wire _03_;
  wire _04_;
  wire _05_;
  wire _06_;
  wire _07_;
  wire _08_;
  wire _09_;
  wire _10_;
  (* src = "counter.v:3" *)
  input clk;
  (* src = "counter.v:4" *)
  output \count[0] ;
  (* src = "counter.v:4" *)
  output \count[1] ;
  (* src = "counter.v:3" *)
  input en;
  (* src = "counter.v:3" *)
  input rst;
  NAND _11_ (
  NAND _12_ (
  NOR _13_ (
  NOT _14_ (
    .A(\count[1] ),
  NOT _15_ (
  NAND _16_ (
    .B(\count[0] ),
  NOR _17_ (
    .B(\count[0] ),
  NOR _18_ (
  NAND _19_ (
  NOT _20_ (
  NOR _21_ (
  (* src = "counter.v:6" *)
  DFF _22_ (
    .Q(\count[0] )
  (* src = "counter.v:6" *)
  DFF _23_ (
    .Q(\count[1] )


  • You can use write_verilog -noattr - these are Verilog 2001 attributes not comments.