Here is a small tb, with some example code, where I am trying to define a function two ways, then call that fn below its definition.
module tryfact;
localparam FUNCTION_IS_STATIC = 1;
generate :mygen
// static fn
function integer factorial (input [31:0] operand);
factorial = 1;
endfunction: factorial
// automatic fn
function automatic integer factorial (input [31:0] operand);
factorial = 1;
endfunction: factorial
endgenerate :mygen
// test the function
integer result;
initial begin
result = mygen.factorial(1);
$display("%0d factorial=%0d", 1, result);
If I name the block so that it can be called using mygen.factorial1
, simulation errors producing:
generate :mygen
xmvlog: *E,UMGENE (,5|11): An 'endgenerate' is expected [12.1.3(IEEE 2001)].
generate :mygen
xmvlog: *E,EXPENM (,5|11): expecting the keyword 'endmodule' [12.1(IEEE)].
If I remove the block label, its fine with the generate, but now I have no hierarchical reference.
xmelab: *E,CUVUNF (./,25|23): Hierarchical name component lookup failed for 'factorial' at 'tryfact'.
How should the generate
be named with a single name so that it can be hierarchicaly referenced by that name when called?
This compiles and runs for me without errors on Cadence and Synopsys simulators:
module tryfact;
localparam FUNCTION_IS_STATIC = 1;
if (FUNCTION_IS_STATIC) begin : mygen
function integer factorial (input [31:0] operand);
factorial = 1;
endfunction: factorial
end else begin : mygen
function automatic integer factorial (input [31:0] operand);
factorial = 1;
endfunction: factorial
// test the function
integer result;
initial begin
result = mygen.factorial(1);
$display("%0d factorial=%0d", 1, result);
I added begin/end
keywords on each branch of the if/else
, and added the mygen
label on each branch.
Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2023, section 27.5 Conditional generate constructs
I removed the optional generate/endgenerate
keywords. I don't think adding a label after the generate
keyword is legal syntax.