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Why is "Set as Top-Level Entity" grayed out in quartus?

I am new to hardware design using System Verilog, so I'm trying to compile a very very simple file: a D Flip Flop. it consists of the following code (taken from

//examples of module declaration

//here i will make a very simple d flip flop

//declaring a new component that will contain some logic
module dff(input d, input clk, input rstn, output reg q);

always @ (posedge clk) 
    q <= 0;
    q <= d;


Whenever I go to compile I get the error Error (12007): Top-level design entity "basics_of_verilog" is undefined This makes sense. As my module "DFF" is named completely differently from the top level entity I declared at project creation.

However, I cannot set DFF to be the new top level entity. As the button to actually do it is greyed out. (

I have never seen this before, can someone tell me what exactly is going on here? I've been scratching my head at this for a few minutes.

I already tried googling the error, but it seems that I'm the first person in recorded human history to encounter this error (I should get a nobel prize for this).


  • I found the solution.

    For some reason, the option to make a current design file the top level hierarchy by selecting project > "Set as Top-Level Entity" is unavailable at times.

    I got around this by doing the following: go into the project navigator window, then select the "hierarchy" drop down box. then, right click on the file you wanna set as the top level hierarchy and select "Set as Top-Level Entity"

    This fixed it. Props to Tushar for providing this solution!