In Verilog HDL, how can I enforce that the rest of a register file to be untouched while I'm modifying a single bit? Like in the following example,
reg [31:0] result;
reg [31:0] next_result;
reg [4:0] count;
wire done;
//some code here...
result <= 32'b0;
always @* begin
if(done==1'b1) begin
next_result[count] <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clock) begin
result <= next_result;
//the rest of the sequential part, in which count increments...
it turns out that result contains lots of x
(unknown) values after several cycles, which means the register file is not held constant while I am modifying result[count]
. Weird though, this problem is only present while I'm synthesizing, and everything goes just fine for simulation purposes. I wonder if there is some way to tell the synthesizer that I would like to "enforce" that not changing the rest of the register file.
You never assign all the bits inside the combinatorial loop. you have a floating assignment result <= 32'b0;
I am surprised that this compiles. There is also an implied latch by not having next_result assigned in an else statement, ie when done=0 next_result would hold its value.
always @* begin
if(done==1'b1) begin
next_result = result;
next_result[count] = 1'b1;
else begin
next_result = result;
always @* begin
next_result = result;
if(done==1'b1) begin
next_result[count] = 1'b1;
You have also used non-blocking <=
assignments in the combinatorial loop.