I have a uvm_sequence that randomizes an enable bit "feature_en". Depending on whether this bit is enabled or not, I want to enable/disable my scoreboard. I use the config_db to set the variable, and the field_macros to automatically get it in the scoreboard.
My problem is that in the scoreboard, I want to guard the code in the run_phase with "feature_en". However, the sequence is run in the run_phase of the test and thus, the run_phase of the scoreboard goes first, thereby keeping feature_en default value and not getting the value set my the sequence.
I tried using wait(feature_en != -1) (i had set it as an int), but I realize that feature_en is not sampled again in the scoreboard.
Is there a way to update feature_en dynamically in the scoreboard? Or any other way to do this?
You can create one dedicated uvm_object to do that. For example:
class feature_options extends uvm_object;
bit sb_enable=0;
// ...
Instantiate it in your top-level testbench, and then put it in uvm_config_db:
// in your top-level testbench:
feature_options f_opt;
initial begin
f_opt = new("f_opt");
uvm_config_db#(feature_options)::set(uvm_root::get(), "*", "FEATURE_OPTIONS", f_opt);
and then grab the object from your own scoreboard and sequencer:
// add the class handle in your scoreboard and your sequencer
feature_options my_opt;
// ... inside your scoreboard/sequencer build phase, grab the object
if (!uvm_config_db#(feature_options)::get(this,"","FEATURE_OPTIONS", my_opt)) begin
After this, you can dynamically synchronize your sequence and your scoreboard, for example:
// inside your scoreboard run phase
wait (f_opt.sb_enable);
// inside your sequence body()
p_sequencer.my_opt.sb_enable = 1;
// ... do some test, then disable scoreboard
p_sequencer.my_opt.sb_enable = 0; // and so on