I am using a parameterized type in a common module.
Is there a way to say:
if( type == TYPE1 ) assign the struct one way
else if( type == TYPE2 ) assign another way
I was picturing this in a generate
Yes, you can use the type operator do a generate-if/case, or procedural if/case like:
real r;
if ( type(r) == type(real) ) ...
But unfortunately the code in all branches still must successfully compile, regardless of the condition. You will not be able to reference struct member that does not exist.
typedef struct {int a;} s1_t;
typedef struct {int a;int b;} s2_t;
s1_t s;
#1 // procedural-if
if (type(s) == type(s1_t))
$display("%m s.a = %0d",s.a);
else if (type(s) == type(s2_t))
$display("%m s.b ==%0d",s.b); // this will not compile