I am assigning a wire
with logic between a register and a counter.
wire wire1;
reg signal;
reg [5:0] count;
assign wire1 = signal & !|count; // line 1
assign wire1 = signal & ! |count; // line 2
assign wire1 = signal & !(|count); // line 3
assign wire1 = signal & ~|count; // line 4
Icarus gives an error for 'line 1' and 'line 2', but not 'line 3' and 'line 4'. The message is,
Operand of unary ! is not a primary expression
I think it is a parser error (both work with brackets). I am using |count
as count==0
but found the reduction easier as many tools will complain about bit length of text '0' as 32 bits. I.e., I need count==COUNT_ZERO
where it is some local parameter of the correct length.
Is there actually a difference between '!' and '~' for one-bit constructs?
As you mentioned in the comments on your question, this is the difference between your 2 lines:
: These 2 characters form a single operator, namely the reduction-OR!|
: These 2 characters represent two operators, namely logic-NOT and bitwise ORAlmost all simulators on EDA Playground generate a compile error on this line:
assign wire1 = signal & !|count; // line 1
This means the problem is not limited to the Icarus Verilog (iverilog
) simulator.
From a coding style perspective, I prefer creating a new wire just for this expression:
wire counter_expired = |count;