I have a term type, which in essence is:
data Term a = Term a Bool
deriving Show
The Bool
is kind of a helper, and is only occasionally needed. I'd like the user to be able to skip it if it isn't necessary. Meaning the following should work:
main :: IO ()
main = print v
where v = "a"
=: Term "b" True
=: []
class Join a b where
(=:) :: a -> [b] -> [b]
infixr 1 =:
instance Join a (Term a) where
x =: y = Term x False : y
instance Join (Term a) (Term a) where
x =: y = x : y
Alas, GHC complains:
a.hs:15:8-12: error: [GHC-39999]
• Ambiguous type variable ‘b0’ arising from a use of ‘print’
prevents the constraint ‘(Show b0)’ from being solved.
Relevant bindings include v :: [b0] (bound at a.hs:17:8)
But if I write main
like this:
main :: IO ()
main = print v
where v :: [Term String]
v = "a"
=: Term "b" True
=: []
Then all is well. (Note the only difference is I gave v
a type signature.)
I'm curious if there's a modern GHC trick (Type-families, Injective-Type-families, Closed-type-families, GADTs, etc., or some magic flags) that would make the type signature unnecessary and let GHC deduce the type itself without any help.
Here's the program in its entirety:
data Term a = Term a Bool
deriving Show
class Join a b where
(=:) :: a -> [b] -> [b]
infixr 1 =:
instance Join a (Term a) where
x =: y = Term x False : y
instance Join (Term a) (Term a) where
x =: y = x : y
main :: IO ()
main = print v
where v :: [Term String] -- Want to avoid this signature and let GHC deduce it.
v = "a"
=: Term "b" True
=: []
And the question is if there's some GHC feature or trick I can apply so the type-signature on v
is not necessary. I'm also happy to change the Join
class or add new parameters/dependencies etc., so long as the local definition of v
can be written as is without the type signature.
I'd also appreciate an explanation of why this wouldn't be possible, if there's a good legitimate reason why what I'm asking for is unreasonable. It seems to me like there's enough type-info around for GHC to deduce the type itself, but I suspect some sort of "open-world" assumption is kicking in and none of the "closed-type-family" like tricks won't work; if that is indeed the case. To be clear, I'm perfectly happy for the Join
class to never be instantiated at any other type.
Here's one approach. You can use a closed type family that selects the correct right-hand side type based on the left-hand side type:
type family Terms a where
Terms (Term a) = [Term a]
Terms a = [Term a]
and define the =:
operator as a plain polymorphic function using this family:
infixr 1 =:
(=:) :: a -> Terms a -> Terms a
(=:) = undefined
Now, your main
compiles because the left-hand side of each =:
call forces an unambiguous right-hand side type:
main :: IO ()
main = print v
where v = "a"
=: Term "b" True
=: []
Of course, (=:) = undefined
is a decidedly suboptimal implementation. To implement =:
properly, you'll need to use a constraint to dispatch to the correct definition:
(=:) :: (Join a (Terms a)) => a -> Terms a -> Terms a
(=:) = join
With appropriate class and instance definitions:
class Join a b where
join :: a -> b -> b
instance Join a [Term a] where
join x y = Term x False : y
instance Join (Term a) [Term a] where
join x y = x : y
the complete program seems to work as intended:
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
data Term a = Term a Bool
deriving (Show)
type family Terms a where
Terms (Term a) = [Term a]
Terms a = [Term a]
class Join a b where
join :: a -> b -> b
instance Join a [Term a] where
join x y = Term x False : y
instance Join (Term a) [Term a] where
join x y = x : y
infixr 1 =:
(=:) :: (Join a (Terms a)) => a -> Terms a -> Terms a
(=:) = join
main :: IO ()
main = print v
where v = "a"
=: Term "b" True
=: []