I made 3 functions which work perfectly fine each alone:
I made the function checkAdd that uses the other functions
the function checkAdd gets a list of strings and should return True if:
the first string contains only numbers
the last string ="Ave." or St."
and the rest of the strings in between should contain letters
for example: ["123", "asdd", "Ave."] is legal address
However I am getting false instead of true and I don't know why. I checked each and every function alone. (by the way I am not allowed to use some of the ready made functions in Haskell)
so for this input : ["123", "asdd", "Ave."] I got false . why?
I must also say that the strange thing is that it works fine when I keep 2 conditions instead of 3 in checkAdd
checkNumber:: String->Bool
checkNumber xs =((length(filter isDigit xs ))== length(xs))
checkStreetName:: String->Bool
checkStreetName xs =((length(filter isLetter1 xs ))== length(xs))
isLetter1:: Char->Bool
isLetter1 ch =((ch>='A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>='a' && ch<='z'))
checkAdd :: [String]->Bool
checkAdd (num:xs) = (checkNumber num && (all1 checkStreetName (tail xs)) && isAbbreviation (last1 xs))
all1 :: (String->Bool)->[String] -> Bool
all1 f xs = ((length(filter f xs)) == length(xs))
isAbbreviation:: String->Bool
isAbbreviation str |str=="Ave." || str=="St." =True
|otherwise =False
last1 :: [a]->a
last1 (x:[]) = x
last1 (x:xs) =last1 xs
The problem you have is simply that "Ave."
contains a non-letter character, namely '.'
, but all1
(just a re-definition of all
) requires it to fulfill checkStreetName
. To fix this, for instance test all1 checkStreetName $ init xs
instead of all1 checkStreetName xs