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Build Prism path selectively base on values

Here is the data structure

data Fruit = Apple String Int 
           | Banana String
           | ....
           | Orange Int Int

data Baseket = BaseketA Fruit
             | BaseketB Fruit Int

makePrism ''Fruit
makePrism ''Baseket

Question is how can I compose a lenses path that points to BasketA and fruits with a name ? ( like Apple and Banana here , but leave out Orange ) ?

Like, to change the name of Fruit in Baseket A ( either Apple or Banana ), if it is orange ,then dont' do anything.

over _Baseket_A._1. _HAS_A_NAME._1 (\x -> x ++ " 's fruit ")

Like drill down if "Fruit" is a "Apple" or "Banana" and apply the function underneath.

over _Baseket_A._1.(\x -> x in set("_Apple","_Banana")) ._1 (\x -> x ++ " 's fruit ")


  • If you want to generate such an optic automatically, then it's sufficient to name the String field. Unfortunately, this means naming all the fields, since you can't mix named and unnamed fields:

    data Fruit = Apple { _name :: String, _x :: Int }
               | Banana { _name :: String, _x :: Int }
               | Orange { _x :: Int, _y :: Int }
    data Baseket = BaseketA Fruit
                 | BaseketB Fruit Int
    makeLenses ''Fruit
    makePrisms ''Baseket

    The makeLenses ''Fruit call here generates a name traversal that selects only those fruit constructors with a _name field, and the traversal:

    aName :: Traversal' Baseket String
    aName = _BaseketA . name

    appears to be the optic you're looking for:

    > print $ over aName (\x -> x ++ "'s fruit") (BaseketA $ Apple "Joe" 5)
    BaseketA (Apple {_name = "Joe's fruit", _x = 5})

    If you don't want to name your fields, you can write the traversal from scratch which looks like this:

    name2 :: Traversal' Fruit String
    name2 f (Apple n x) = Apple <$> f n <*> pure x
    name2 f (Banana n x) = Banana <$> f n <*> pure x
    name2 _ rest = pure rest

    but this requires explicitly handling every constructor with a name. If you want to avoid that, you can probably use a generics solution, which looks like this:

    import Data.Data.Lens
    -- Note: derive a `Data` instance for `Fruit` to use this
    name3 :: Traversal' Fruit String
    name3 = template

    Be warned that template acts recursively, finding all String values within the structure, so it may not be what you want in a more general case. For example, if you add a Lemon constructor:

    ... | Lemon { _x :: Int, _u :: Maybe String }

    the name3 = template solution will include the String recursively from the Maybe String field.

    If you only want Strings that are immediate children, there doesn't appear to be a non-recursive variant of template available. The following will work, but it's pretty ugly:

    name4 :: Traversal' Fruit String
    name4 f = gtraverse (mkA f)
        mkA :: forall f a d. (Applicative f, Typeable a, Data d) => (a -> f a) -> d -> f d
        mkA f = case eqT @a @d of Just Refl -> f
                                  Nothing -> pure

    though maybe there's an easier way that I'm missing.

    In either case, name3 and name4 will both traverse multiple strings, so if you have an Avocado String String constructor, both strings will be traversed. Use the name1 or name2 solution if you only want one of the two strings.

    Anyway, here's full code illustrating all four solutions. Note the difference for the added Lemon constructor between the recursive generic name3 and the non-recursive generic name4:

    {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    module SelectivePrism where
    import Control.Lens
    import Data.Data.Lens
    import Data.Data
    data Fruit = Apple  { _name1 :: String, _x :: Int }
               | Banana { _name1 :: String, _y :: Int }
               | Orange { _x :: Int, _y :: Int }
               | Lemon { _x :: Int, _u :: Maybe String }
               deriving (Show, Data)
    data Baseket = BaseketA Fruit
                 | BaseketB Fruit Int
                 deriving (Show)
    makeLenses ''Fruit
    makePrisms ''Baseket
    name2 :: Traversal' Fruit String
    name2 f (Apple n x) = Apple <$> f n <*> pure x
    name2 f (Banana n x) = Banana <$> f n <*> pure x
    name2 _ rest = pure rest
    name3 :: Traversal' Fruit String
    name3 = template
    name4 :: Traversal' Fruit String
    name4 f = gtraverse (mkA f)
        mkA :: forall f a d. (Applicative f, Typeable a, Data d) => (a -> f a) -> d -> f d
        mkA f = case eqT @a @d of Just Refl -> f
                                  Nothing -> pure
    test name = do
      print $ over ( (\x -> x ++ "'s fruit") (BaseketA $ Apple "Joe" 5)
      print $ over ( (\x -> x ++ "'s fruit") (BaseketA $ Orange 4 2)
      print $ over ( (\x -> x ++ "'s fruit") (BaseketA $ Lemon 3 (Just "not a name"))
    main = do
      test name1   -- `makeLenses` with named fields
      test name2   -- explicit traversal
      test name3   -- generics
      test name4   -- generics (non-recursive)