I have a program like this,
start :: [Q] -> R -> IO R
start qs = fix $ \recurse r -> do
q <- select qs
(r', exit) <- askQ q r
(if exit
then return
else recurse) r'
that takes a list of Q
uestions, a R
eport, and returns a new R
eport, in the IO
monad because select
needs it to pick a question at random (and also because askQ
will wait for user keyboard input); however, the user did not choose to exit
while executing askQ
, start
will recursively call itself. (fix $ \recurse
is the trick to write a recursive lambda.)
The above code smells a lot like a few things:
monad, or, more appropriately, the StateT
monad transformer, because R
is evolving during start
's recursion;forever
applicative combinator, because start
is recursive and could potentially run forever, if the user wants it to (i.e. if they never ask to exit);MaybeT
monad transformer, because Maybe
implements MonadPlus
that should be able to short-circuit forever
, based on what I read just before forever
's implementation.But can't really tell if any or more of those abstractions can be used to write the above code in a more idiomatic way, most importantly avoiding the explicit recursion.
This is just some experiment I've done in GHCi to gather a better understanding of the accepted answer.
Here's some utils for the following,
type M = MaybeT (StateT [String] IO) Int
printAndRet rs@(r, s) = putStrLn ("result: " ++ show r ++ ", state: " ++ show s)
>> return rs
Here's 4 computations happening in the MaybeT
-composed monad defined there,
c1 = (MaybeT $ StateT $ \s -> printAndRet (Just 1, "again":s)) :: M
c2 = (MaybeT $ StateT $ \s -> printAndRet (Just 2, "once more":s)) :: M
c3 = (MaybeT $ StateT $ \s -> printAndRet (Nothing, "a final time":s)) :: M
c4 = (MaybeT $ StateT $ \s -> printAndRet (Just 10, "and never again":s)) :: M
and here's what happens when we chain them together with >>
and run the resulting action:
flip runStateT ["some initial state"] $ runMaybeT $ (c1 >> c2 >> c3 >> c4)
result: Just 1, state: ["again","some initial state"]
result: Just 2, state: ["once more","again","some initial state"]
result: Nothing, state: ["a final time","once more","again","some initial state"]
(Nothing,["a final time","once more","again","some initial state"])
Well, the result would be something like:
type M = MaybeT (StateT R IO)
start :: [Q] -> M ()
start qs = forever (select qs >>= askQ)
This presumes that select
and askQ
will be rewritten to run in the M
monad instead of IO
select :: [Q] -> M Q
askQ :: Q -> M ()
The result is very... succinct.
A standalone example, for posterity...
import Data.Coerce
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import System.Random
newtype Q = Q String deriving (Show)
newtype R = R [String] deriving (Show)
type M = MaybeT (StateT R IO)
runM :: M a -> IO (Maybe a, R)
runM = flip runStateT (R []) . runMaybeT
select :: [Q] -> M Q
select qs = (qs !!) <$> randomRIO (0, length qs - 1)
askQ :: Q -> M ()
askQ (Q q) = do
liftIO $ putStrLn q
r <- liftIO getLine
if r == "exit" then mzero
else modify (coerce (r:))
start :: [Q] -> M ()
start qs = forever (select qs >>= askQ)
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- runM $ start [ Q "Is this idiomatic?"
, Q "Seriously, what's wrong with recursion?"
print result
It seems to work:
λ> main
Seriously, what's wrong with recursion?
Is this idiomatic?
Is this idiomatic?
(Nothing,R ["yes","nothing"])