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Vue3 composition api transform props multidimensional Array into list

I'm using vue3 with composition api and I receive a props from db as a multidimensional array on page loading like this:

   {name: 'Jack', seat: '12', id: 1, ...},
   {name: 'Jack', seat: '13', id: 2, ...},
   {name: 'Luis', seat: '21', id: 3, ...},
   {name: 'Manuel', seat: '4', id: 4, ...},
   {name: 'Jack', seat: '14', id: 5, ...},

I'm already using it to have a view in the page as a standard list one by one but I need to create another table, after the previous, with names and the list of your seats (in case more than one).


Jack: 12,13,14
Luis: 21
Manuel: 4,5,6

I tried to use a template but I have some problems to achive this result, I tried using table and div tags but the output is wrong with break line in the middle or skipping the row. I don't know if there is a way to achive it without change the props structure (to have no problems on the previous table)

do you have any ideas? Thanks in advance Roberto


  • Use computed and transform your data into needed format inside it:


    <script setup>
    import { onMounted, reactive, computed} from 'vue'
    const data = reactive([]);
    onMounted(async() => {
       const fetchedData = await [
       {name: 'Jack', seat: '12', id: 1},
       {name: 'Jack', seat: '13', id: 2},
       {name: 'Luis', seat: '21', id: 3},
       {name: 'Manuel', seat: '4', id: 4},
       {name: 'Jack', seat: '14', id: 5},
    const seats = computed(() => 
      data.reduce((r, {name, seat}) => ((r[name] ??= []).push(seat),r), {}));
      <div v-for="(nums, name) in seats" :key="name">
        {{ name }} : {{ nums.join(', ') }}