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How to implement dark/light mode in vue3?

I'm wondering how to add dark/light mode to my Vue 3 project. I'm aware of useDark and useToggle from '@vueuse/core', but I'm unsure how to implement them in every component of my application.

const isDark = useDark({
  selector: 'body',
  attribute: 'color-scheme',
  valueDark: 'dark',
  valueLight: 'light',

Should I create multiple objects for every HTML element on my page? It seems even more time-consuming than the previous option. And how can I use isDark in my child components?

Currently, I'm using a Pinia store to store information about whether the mode is set to dark or light. I then use this value in every HTML element of every component to apply the 'dark' or 'light' class. However, this approach is time-consuming, and I believe there must be a better way to handle this.


  • You don't need to implement dark/light mode in every child component. Instead you just need to add it to the app/root component. Something like

      <div :class="{ dark: isDark }">
    <script setup>
    const darkModeStore = useDarkModeStore();
    const isDark = computed(() => darkModeStore.mode === 'dark');

    And in your style general

    /* Styles for dark mode */
    .dark h1 {
      color: #fff;

    Or in child specific

    <style scoped>
    .dark .child-component h1 {
      color: red;