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How to pass a reactive variable from child component to parent component in vue js composition api

I have two components on is the parent component and the other the child component, the parent component has a form field in this form field I can add additional form fields, this additional form field is added with the aid of a component, the form field in the parent has its own reactive variable and the addition component also has its own reactive variable, so when am about to submit I need to capture the reactive variable details in the child component so I can pass it as a form to the api.

I have tried a lot of the videos on youtube, majority of the videos suggest I use the defineProps() method to capture data from parent component to child, but of all the videos non was given on how to capture data from child to parent, I tried the method if it will work vice versa but it did not.


  • Check the answers:

    For Data Sharing between components you can use Custom Stateful Store Object or Pinia.

    Check the Vue Docs on

    Here is a very basic example of Custom Stateful Store Object

    const { createApp, ref, toRef, toRefs } = Vue;
    const myStore = {
      counter: ref(0),
      add: function() {
    const template = 'counter = {{counter}}<br/>' 
    const CompA = {
      setup() {
        const { counter } = myStore
        return  { counter }
      template: template
    const CompB = {
      setup() {
        const { counter } = myStore
        return  { counter }
      template: template
    const App = {
      components: { CompA, CompB },
      setup() {
        const { counter, add } = myStore
        return  { counter, add }
    const app = createApp(App)
    #app { line-height: 1.75; }
    [v-cloak] { display: none; }
    <div id="app">
      CompA: <comp-a></comp-a>
      CompB: <comp-b></comp-b>
      App: counter = {{counter}}<br/>
      <button @click="add()">+1</button>
    <script src=""></script>