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Nuxt 3 sometimes I can omit .value when using useState, sometimes I can't, why?

Please see this minimum example, if I use useState , normally, I can write something like this:

<script setup>
const num = useState('num', () => 1);

    {{ num }}

    {{ typeof num }}

    {{ JSON.stringify(num) }}

And the result is what I expected:


enter image description here

However, when I move the useState into composables, everything changed, like this:

export const useNum = () => {
  const num = useState('num', () => 1);

  return {
<script setup>
const numStore = useNum();

    {{ numStore.num }}

    {{ typeof numStore.num }}

    {{ JSON.stringify(numStore.num, null, 2) }}

the result is super weird:

  "_object": {
    "$s__nuxt_devtools__": {
      "timeSsrStart": 1719387436211
    "$snum": 1
  "_key": "$snum",
  "__v_isRef": true

enter image description here

enter image description here

Why is this happening? How can I avoid this?


  • Based on official docs :

    Ref unwrapping in templates only applies if the ref is a top-level property in the template render context.

    By unwrapping we mean not using .value

    So try to destruct the return value of your composable to make the ref as top-level property or use the .value in template :

    <script setup>
    const { num } = useNum();
        {{ num }}
        {{ typeof num }}
        {{ JSON.stringify(num, null, 2) }}