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Cannot change alternative symbol in exam2nops

I've tried everything but can't seem to change the symbols for the answerlist items in exams2nops: I want to change them from

in the questions from:

alph numbering in answerlist

to upper case

Alph numbering (upper case) in answerlist

I've changed the LaTeX codes from the templates, and exam2pdf generates the uppercase one, but once I use exam2nops, the lower case one is used again.

Any help?


  • In exams2pdf you can change these via the template = ... used because this gives you the possibility to define your own format.

    In exams2nops, however, the format is standardized so that it can be processed fully automatically. The template is fixed and cannot be changed as in exams2pdf.

    But if you are determined to overrule the default, you can do so by re-defining the {answerlist} environment in the header = ... argument:

      header = "\\renewenvironment{answerlist}{\\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{(\\Alph{enumii})}\\begin{enumerate}}{\\end{enumerate}}")

    Note however that in this case the labels on the exam sheet (first page) are out of sync and still use: a, b, c, ...!

    As the lower-case labels a, b, c, ... are widely used and easy to understand, it never seemed to be important enough to support other kinds of labels.