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How to scale SVG in R/Exams

I am struggling to scale an SVG file with R Exams using RStudio on Windows. I would appreciate any help. Here is the SVG file I am using:

Here is a complete code:

<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
include_supplement("atom.svg", recursive = TRUE)

What is 2 + 1?

\includegraphics[scale = 0.1]{atom.svg}

\item 1
\item 2
\item 3



  • As far as I can tell the scale=0.1 attribute is not supported by converter = "ttm" (the default for .Rnw exercises) nor by converter = "pandoc" or "pandoc-mathjax". However, the latter supports the width= attribute. So both of the following work correctly with pandoc:




    For example, with the latter we get:

    exams2html("atom.Rnw", converter = "pandoc")

    Screenshot of the atom.Rnw exercise as rendered by exams2html with pandoc converter.