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exams:::exams2pdf throws an error related to sh

When I try to use exams2pdf (e.g., exams2pdf("boxplots.Rmd")) from the exams package I get the following error:

sh: line 1: : command not found

I can execute usual terminal commands within R using system(), for example:

system("ls # list files and folders in WD")

What am I missing? Why can't exams2pdf() use the shell (bash, I assume) correctly? I am using Linux.

Thank you in advance.


  • Source of the problem: The exams2pdf() function tries to open the PDF file it has produced in a PDF viewer. I suspect that R finds a wrong or non-existing path for your PDF viewer.

    Workaround: As a quick workaround you can tell exams2pdf() to write the PDF file to a directory where you can open it yourself. For example, to create the file in your current working directory use

     exams2pdf("boxplots.Rmd", dir = ".")

    And then you can open plain1.pdf yourself.

    Debugging: When you have created the plain1.pdf file using the code above you can try to open it from R just like R/exams does. On Linux, it takes the following steps:

    out <- "plain1.pdf"                      ## PDF file in current directory
    vwr <- getOption("pdfviewer")            ## path to your systems's PDF viewer
    cmd <- paste(shQuote(vwr), shQuote(out)) ## PDF viewer command to be executed
    system(cmd, wait = FALSE)                ## run PDF viewer command

    On my system the viewer path vwr and the resulting quoted command cmd look as follows:

    writeLines(c(vwr, cmd))
    ## /usr/bin/xpdf
    ## '/usr/bin/xpdf' 'plain1.pdf'

    I suspect that your PDF viewer is somehow misconfigured...