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Feedback for string exercises in OpenOlat with R/exams

I have the following problem. I want to export this exercise written with R/exams to OpenOLAT

```{r, include=FALSE}
explanation <- "Long Text"
solution <- "Short Text"


`r explanation`

extype: string
exsolution: `r solution`

When I export this exercise to OpenOlat with the exams2openolat() function, the long explanation given in the section "Solution" is not displayed in the result feedback given by OpenOlat after finishing the test, only the short answer from solution. How can I fix this? I want my students to have a look at the longer explanation too.

I tried to fix this via the test configurations in OpenOlat. I activated all options in the section "Report" and in the "Options" section I activated "Show feedback". However, it still does not show the long explanation in the results.


  • The long solution section is only shown if an incorrect answer is entered by the participant (and if solutionswitch = TRUE, the default).

    This is shown immediately during the quiz. As far as I know it is not possible to enable this solution feedback on the report at the end.