I'm trying to prove a contradiction from two aliased pointers
* data_at sha (tarray tulong 5) (map (fun x : Z => Vlong (Int64.repr x)) arra) a
* data_at shb (tarray tulong 5) (map (fun x : Z => Vlong (Int64.repr x)) arrb) b
|-- !! (a <> b)
I've tried
destruct (Val.eq a b) as [->|Hneq];[|entailer!].
data_at_conflict b.
However, the data_at_conflict b
tactic doesn't work, yielding the error
Unable to unify "shb" with "sha".
Why do the shares need to be unified to prove that alaised pointer to separated blocks is a contradiction?
Or am I misunderstanding how shares work? Normally I just assign each read-only pointer its own individual readable_share
. Are disjoint shares to the same memory block considered separated?
As to why I'm doing this, the function I'm using has a const
and restrict
parameter and I was trying to capture that notion in its specification. Should I be using identical shares when writing the specification of functions that use restrict
Perhaps these lemmas will be useful. In fact, perhaps useful enough we should add them to VST.
Lemma data_at_conflict_glb: forall {cs: compspecs} sh1 sh2 t v v' p,
sepalg.nonidentity (Share.glb sh1 sh2) ->
0 < sizeof t ->
data_at sh1 t v p * data_at sh2 t v' p |-- FF.
pose (sh := Share.glb sh1 sh2).
assert (sepalg.join sh (Share.glb sh1 (Share.comp sh)) sh1). {
rewrite (Share.glb_commute sh1), <- Share.glb_assoc, Share.comp2.
rewrite Share.glb_commute, Share.glb_bot.
split; auto.
rewrite Share.distrib2, Share.comp1.
rewrite Share.glb_commute, Share.glb_top.
unfold sh. rewrite Share.lub_commute, Share.lub_absorb. auto.
assert (sepalg.join sh (Share.glb sh2 (Share.comp sh)) sh2). {
hnf. rewrite (Share.glb_commute sh2), <- Share.glb_assoc, Share.comp2.
rewrite Share.glb_commute, Share.glb_bot.
split; auto.
rewrite Share.distrib2, Share.comp1.
rewrite Share.glb_commute, Share.glb_top.
unfold sh. rewrite Share.glb_commute.
rewrite Share.lub_commute, Share.lub_absorb. auto.
rewrite <- (data_at_share_join _ _ _ _ _ _ H1).
rewrite <- (data_at_share_join _ _ _ _ _ _ H2).
sep_apply data_at_conflict; auto.
Lemma glb_Ews_Ers: sepalg.nonidentity (Share.glb Ews Ers).
unfold Ews, Ers.
rewrite <- Share.distrib2.
intro. apply identity_share_bot in H.
apply lub_bot_e in H. destruct H as [? _].
apply nonidentity_extern_retainer.
rewrite H; apply bot_identity.
Goal forall {cs: compspecs} v v' p,
data_at Ews tint v p * data_at Ers tint v' p |-- FF.
apply data_at_conflict_glb.
apply glb_Ews_Ers.