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How to use more than 8 variables in a function specification?

WITH construction is defined only for up to 8 variables. How can I use more than 8? Example:

Definition find_key_spec :=
  DECLARE _find_key
    WITH sh : share, m : ArrMapZ, start : Z, key : Z, i : nat,
         vbb : val, vkeys : val, vstart : val, vkey : val, vi : val
    PRE ...


Toplevel input, characters 176-177:
Syntax error: 'PRE' '[' expected after [constr:operconstr level 200]
(in [constr:binder_constr]).

I use: VST 1.5 (6834P at 2014-10-02), CompCert 2.4, Coq 8.4pl3(Jan'14) with OCaml 4.01.0.


  • My solution: define notation for WITH with 10 variables:

    Notation "'WITH'  x1 : t1 , x2 : t2 , x3 : t3 , x4 : t4 , x5 : t5 ,
                      x6 : t6 , x7 : t7 , x8 : t8 , x9 : t9 , x10 : t10
                      'PRE'  [ u , .. , v ] P 'POST' [ tz ] Q" :=
         (mk_funspec ((cons u%formals .. (cons v%formals nil) ..), tz)
               (fun x => match x with (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10) =>
                                      P%logic end)
               (fun x => match x with (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10) =>
                                      Q%logic end))
                (at level 200, x1 at level 0, x2 at level 0, x3 at level 0,
                               x4 at level 0, x5 at level 0, x6 at level 0,
                               x7 at level 0, x8 at level 0, x9 at level 0,
                               x10 at level 0, P at level 100, Q at level 100).