I'm trying to understand how VST handles (addressable) local variables, so I wrote this function:
int main() {
int x = 5, y = 7;
int *a = &x;
int *b = &y;
*a = 8;
*b = 9;
return x;
then I tried to verify it with the following specification:
Definition main_spec :=
WITH p : int (* still toying with things, couldn't figure out how to drop this *)
PRE [ ]
SEP ()
POST [ tint ]
EX i : Z,
PROP ( i = 8 )
LOCAL (temp ret_temp (Vint (Int.repr i)))
SEP ().
Everything goes well simply using (forward
) until the return statement where I am left to prove the following
data_at Tsh tint (vint 9) v_y * data_at Tsh tint (vint 8) v_x |-- FF
which seems like it should be unprovable (note that I have just applied forward
up until this point). I was expecting some specification stating that the heap is empty after the local variables had been de-allocated, i.e. emp |-- emp
Is there somewhere that I could look to get more information about this?
Additional Information: I dug into the source of the FF
post-condition, and it comes from typecheck_expr
, in particular, the case for Evar
| Evar id ty =>
match access_mode ty with
| By_reference =>
match get_var_type Delta id with
| Some ty' =>
tc_bool (eqb_type ty ty')
(mismatch_context_type ty ty')
| None =>
(var_not_in_tycontext Delta id)
| _ => tc_FF (deref_byvalue ty) (* ?? *)
Unless I'm reading something wrong, this seems to suggest that you can not access local variables by value. Is this just an oversight? Or is there something in the semantics that prevents this?
The reason for this failure is that you forgot the -normalize
flag to clightgen.
If you translate your .c
file using clightgen -normalize
instead of clightgen
, it should work fine.