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Visual Studio 2019 Developer PowerShell v16.9.4 not working

I have an issue or question with regards to Visual Studio 2019 Developer PowerShell v16.9.4.

I have Visual Studio Professional 2019, Version 16.9.4.

When I right click on my Solution and select Open in Terminal then Visual Studio 2019 Developer PowerShell v16.9.4 opens... but it doesn't allow me to put/execute any command son it. My impression is that it's not fully loaded or something...

By contrast if I open Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt as you can see from the image bellow:enter image description here v16.9.4 I'm able to execute commands on it.

And this is what happens with the PowerShell enter image description here

Note: I know there's the settings options but I haven't modified anything yet there.

Am I missing somthing or someone else could point me in the right direction to make it work?


  • I have solved or found a workaround. In my initial post, I did mention that I knew that there was a settings option but I haven't done anything there ... yet.

    Finally, I solved going in that direction. So, just in case someone else faces the same or similar situation.

    My built-in Developer PowerShell (inside Visual studio) is configured as follows:

    shell location: C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    Arguments: -NoExit -Command "& { Import-Module $env:VSAPPIDDIR\..\Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll}; Enter-VsDevShell -SkipAutomaticLocation -SetDefaultWindowTitle -InstallPath $env:VSAPPIDDIR\..\..\

    So, I created a new Developer PowerShell settings called: "Sebas PowerShell" (quite original 🤣) and with the following settings (fewer arguments):

    shell location: same location pointing to powershell.exe
    Arguments: -NoExit 

    Like this, it works perfectly fine. So, I guess it might be related to DevShell.dll or to the other arguments. In any case, now I can use the Developer PowerShell inside Visual Studio 😀