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Running a sequence of commands from within powershell of VSCode

Each one of the following commands when entered manually in the normal windows command prompt (cmd, not powershell) runs fine one after the other:

cd cmake\windows\rel
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat"
vtune -collect hotspots --app-working-dir=%cd% -- %cd%/CMakeProject
set /p name="Enter Hotspot Folder name: "
vtune-gui %name%/%name%.vtune

Essentially, from within my project folder, I navigate to the folder where the executable is built (first line), folder cmake\windows\rel, then I load the environment variables by running the batch file setvars.bat. This is then followed by running the profiler via the vtune command. Then, after accepting a user input of the folder name, that folder name is provided as an input to the vtune-gui command.

Note that vtune and vtune-gui are not in the Windows path. setvars.bat temporarily for the cmd session creates this path and allows me to use vtune and vtune-gui on the command line.

When I try these commands via a batch file (bfile.bat) from within the default powershell terminal of VSCode, I have the following:

PS MyProjectFolder> .\bfile.bat
MyProjectFolder> cd cmake\windows\rel
MyProjectFolder\cmake\windows\rel> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat"
...output of setvars.bat runs without errors...
PS MyProjectFolder>

The third, fourth and fifth lines of the batch file do not run at all and I do not get any output from powershell indicating some error or so occurred. The last line of the output above tells me that I am back to MyProjectFolder now. Also, note that only the first and last line of the output above are prefixed with PS. The second, third and other lines of output do not have that prefix.

How can I get the batchfile to run and perform all of the five steps which currently I am forced to do manually?


  • In your batch file (bfile.bat), replace:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat"


    call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat"

    This ensures that setvars.bat returns control to your batch file and resumes execution; without call, execution of your batch file ends when setvars.bat ends.
    Run cmd /c call /? for details.


    • Any batch file launched from PowerShell of necessity runs in a (cmd.exe) child process, so that any changes to the working directory and environment variables performed in a batch file are not seen by the calling PowerShell session.

    • Thus, if you wanted to call setvars.bat and have PowerShell's environment variables modified, additional work would be needed; see this answer for details.