I have a set of data inside a variable $pods similar to the below.
With this data, I am trying to get rid of any characters after the second from the right '-' hyphen. This is the code I am using and it is successful if I pass only one value.
$onepod = 'Orange-UK-1234567890-de22a'
$onepod.split('-')[-5..-3] -join '-'
However, if I pass this into a foreach, as below, it doesn't work
foreach ($onepod in $pods)
{$onepod.split('-')[-5..-3] -join '-'}
I get the error below:
Method invocation failed because [Microsoft.Powershell.Commands.MatchInfo] does not contain a method named 'split'
Basically, all I need is to exclude all character after the second FROM THE RIGHT hyphen including that hyphen, to return the below:
Is anyone able to advise please?
Thanks in advance!
You could use the regex replacement operator (-replace
) for this. See https://regex101.com/r/5G1kRG/2 for regex details.
$pods = @(
$pods -replace '(?:-[^-]+){2}$'
# Orange-UK
# Orange-US
# Blue-US-NA