This regex: (?is)[\s\S]*?\[General\][\s\S]*?SystemMustBeRebooted=(\d)[\s\S]*?\[Install Execution\][\s\S]*?SilentInstall=""(.*?)"".*
doesn't match the below cut down part of the file in Powershell. I need to extract:
valueIt DOES work however, on (with removed (?is)
), using .NET regex, AND set to Powershell regex none the less!
Here is the result when relevant code lines are run in Powershell:
$CVAFileContents = get-content $($CVAFile).fullname -raw
$RebootNeededandSilentInstall = $CVAFileContents | select string -pattern '(?s)[\s\S]*?\[General\][\s\S]*?SystemMustBeRebooted=(\d)[\s\S]*?\[Install Execution\][\s\S]*?SilentInstall="(.*?)".*' -allmatches
<back to PS prompt>
If I cut the regex back to [General]
, it matches the below. Anything more added, no results though.
[Install Execution]
What is wrong with my regex??
EDIT: Of course it works when using -match
(without the thought-to-be-needed double escaping of "):
$CVAFileContents -match '(?s)[\s\S]*?\[General\][\s\S]*?SystemMustBeRebooted=(\d)[\s\S]*?\[Install Execution\][\s\S]*?SilentInstall="(.*?)".*' | out-null
Name Value
---- -----
2 HPUP.exe
1 0
0 [CVA File Information]...
Just for curiousity, why does the same expression work with -match
and not select-string??
What is wrong with my regex??
Nothing, though it can be simplified (see below).
why does the same expression work with
and notselect-string
It does work with Select-String
too, you just need to extract the results differently:
$rebootNeeded, $silentInstallExe =
$CVAFileContents |
Select-String '(?s)\[General\].*?SystemMustBeRebooted=(\d).*?\[Install Execution\].*?SilentInstall="(.*?)"' |
ForEach-Object { ($_.Matches[0].Groups | Select-Object -Skip 1).Value }
That is, Select-String
emits a Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo
instance for each matching input string, from which you can extract the capture-group matches.
In your case, there is only one input string, namely the entire content of your input file (due to having read the file with Get-Content
's -Raw
Note that the -AllMatches
switch has been omitted above, because you only need it to find multiple matches of your pattern in each input string, which doesn't apply here.
The absence of -AllMatches
implies that the $_.Matches
collection contains only one System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match
instance describing the match.
The .Groups
collection's first entry ([0]
) is always the overall match, whereas the subsequent entries represent the capture-group matches; Select-Object -Skip 1
skips the overall match, and (...)
.Value uses member-access enumeration to extract the captured text from the groups.
Finally, the two pieces of text captured by the capture groups are assigned to two separate output variables, $rebootNeeded
and $silentInstallExe
, using a multi-assignment.
That said, if you only need to look for one match and if the only information you need is what text the capture groups captured, using -match
, the regular-expression matching operator, which reflects the details of the match in the automatic $Matches
variable, is the simpler and more efficient choice.