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PSCustomObject returns with extra return(s)

Using the documentation Everything you wanted to know about PSCustomObject

$myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
    Name     = 'Kevin'
    Language = 'PowerShell'
    State    = 'Texas'


Above results with

Name  Language   State
----  --------   -----
Kevin PowerShell Texas

Note the last line is a empty or a blank return. Is there a means to remove that?

If I convert the object to a string with

$myObject | Out-String).TrimEnd("`r`n").Trim()

The returns leave but I think there must be a means to do this without changing to a string ?


  • The empty line at the end is just the default Table format. Any object be it psobject or not, that is displayed as a table will have that empty line at the end. If you want a workaround for that Out-String with the .TrimEnd, probably the easiest way can be with oss (or Out-String -Stream) and then you can Select-Object -SkipLast 1 to get rid of the last empty line.

    $myObject | oss | Select-Object -SkipLast 1

    If you wanna skip also the first line, in PowerShell 7 you can combine -Skip with -SkipLast, in PowerShell 5.1 you will need to pipe into -Skip first and then pipe again into -SkipLast:

    # pwsh 7, this is OK:
    Select-Object -Skip 1 -SkipLast 1
    # pwsh 5.1, requires:
    Select-Object -Skip 1 | Select-Object -SkipLast 1

    If you wanna create a new function just like oss but that skips this last line by default you can create another steppable pipeline from Out-String that defaults to -Stream (just like oss) but also skips the last item:

    function oss2 {
        [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]
            [ValidateRange(2, 2147483647)]
            [int] ${Width},
            [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
            [psobject] ${InputObject})
        begin {
            $sb = {
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Out-String @PSBoundParameters -Stream |
                    Select-Object -SkipLast 1
            $pipe = $sb.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
        process {
        end {