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Choregraphe: How can I stop NAO from listening/ turn his eyes blue?

Using Choregraphe, I am building an app for NAO. I need to turn his LED eyes to different colours but whenever he is "listening" to me his eyes and ears automatically turn blue. How can I stop that from happening?

P.S. I am using a Dialog box to manage all his actions. P.S.2.0 Autonomous life HAS to be kept on.


  • General idea

    You need every topic that includes speech recognition rules to be unloaded, using ALDialog.unloadTopic. Otherwise you can distinguish managing the actions from the dialogue, so that to enable the dialogue only when needed.

    With Choregraphe

    If you are using a dialog box, you can use an output of nature onStopped, and trigger it from QiChat, like in this example:

    u:(...) ... $myOutput=1

    When the output is triggered, the box is stopped, the topics are unloaded, the chat stops, and therefore the robot stops listening. To restart the chat, you can add an extra input of nature onStart, and react to it in the dialog box:

    u:(e:myInput) ...

    See this tutorial.