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PHP shell_exec with python naoqi: "qimessaging.socketcache: No more endpoints available after filtering"

I can't seem to get my python script to work when I execute it in PHP with shell_exec

I am using the virtual robot in choregraphe

Here is my code: PHP

$command = escapeshellcmd("python");
$output = shell_exec ($command);
echo $output;


from naoqi import ALProxy
import os,sys
import motion

#import qi.logging

mp = ALProxy("ALMotion", "",51712)
JointName = JointNames = ["LShoulderRoll","LShoulderPitch","LElbowYaw","LElbowRoll","LHand"]
Arm1 = [90,0,-90,-85,90]
Arm1 = [ x * motion.TO_RAD for x in Arm1], Arm1, pFractionMaxSpeed)

If I just run the python through cmd, then it works fine and makes the robot move.

I think it has something to do with that it is run as the www-data user and it messes the naoqi modules up (or something along those lines): link

I am just not sure how to do it in windows with XAMPP or WAMP


  • It may be that your www-data user does not have access to port 51712 (or whichever port Choregraphe's virtual nao is using - it may change between sessions, have you checked that?). Maybe you can try running telnet 51712 from your PHP code - if that doesn't work, qimessaging won't be able to connect to that port either.