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Aldebaran's NAO robot variable list

I am trying to make a short script in Python that would give me the battery charge as well as the battery status (in charge or not in charge) and the state (on/off) of NAO robots in a given local network.

To do that I am looking for a list of all variables (including sensor variables) that characterizes my NAO robot. I found the list of all callable events and a list of Memory Keys but no variable list. I am looking in particuliar for a BatteryCharge variable if such a variable exists.

Does such a list exist? If not, how should I proceed to do what I want?


  • Thank you everyone for your answers, but I found a way to get the complete list of data accessible through an ALMemory proxy.

    print("ALMemory device keys...") for key in memoryProxy.getDataListName(): print(key) print("\n\n")

    So the variable I was looking for was indeed Device/SubDeviceList/Battery/Charge/Sensor/Value