basically i declared a typedef enum in a package (in a file called
typedef enum logic[3:0] {
AND = 4'b0000, //AND
EOR = 4'b0001, //XOR
SUB = 4'b0010, //Subtraction
ADD = 4'b0100, //Sum
ORR = 4'b1100, //OR
MOV = 4'b1101, //Scrive un valore in un registro
MVN = 4'b1111 //MoVe and Not
} alu_op;
typedef enum logic[1:0] {
LSL = 2'b00, //Logical Shift Left
LSR = 2'b01, //Logical Shift Right
ASR = 2'b10, //Arithmetic Shift Right
ROR = 2'b11 //Rotation Right
} shift_op;
Then i writed the testbench:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
`include ""
module ALU_TB ();
data_bus A, B; //data_bus is a typedef struct packed
logic enA, enB;
logic invA;
logic enC;
logic [4:0] amount;
shift_op sh_select;
alu_op alu_select;
data_bus data_out, d_out_exp;
flags_t flags, flags_exp;
/*Testbench signals*/
logic clk;
int Vectors, Errors;
logic [110:0] VettoriTest[0:99];
ALU_TOP dut (A, B, enA, enB, invA, enC, amount,
sh_select, alu_select, data_out, flags);
clk = 0; #5;
clk = 1; #5;
$readmemh("Vectors_ALU.txt", VettoriTest);
Vectors = 0;
Errors = 0;
always @(posedge clk)
A = VettoriTest [Vectors][31:0] ;
B = VettoriTest [Vectors][63:32];
enA = VettoriTest [Vectors][64];
enB = VettoriTest [Vectors][65];
invA = VettoriTest [Vectors][66];
enC = VettoriTest [Vectors][67];
amount = VettoriTest [Vectors][72:68];
sh_select = VettoriTest [Vectors][74:73]; //Error
alu_select = VettoriTest [Vectors][78:75]; //Error
d_out_exp = VettoriTest [Vectors][110:79];
This is a part of it, and the error is: an enum variable may only be assigned the same enum typed variable or one of its values The software that I use is Vivado.
You have to convert datatypes. The simplest way that should work:
sh_select = shift_op'(VettoriTest [Vectors][74:73]);
alu_select = alu_op'(VettoriTest [Vectors][78:75]);