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Does Specman support optional parameters to a method?

I would like to add a new input to an existing method, but do not change all previous calls to the method. Does Specman support optional parameters to a method? Like in C++:

void cpp_func(int bla, int foo = 0) {
   //do something ...

and then you can call it both cpp_func(10) and cpp_func(10, 0). Really appreciate any help.


  • Yes, Specman supports default value expressions in method parameters.

    For example, the following code:

    extend sys {
        goo() : uint is { return 111; };
        boo() : uint is { return 222; };
        foo(x: uint, y: uint = 100, z: uint = boo() + goo()) is {
            print x;
            print y;
            print z;
        run() is only {

    Will result in:

      x = 11
      y = 100
      z = 333
      x = 11
      y = 22
      z = 333
      x = 11
      y = 22
      z = 33