Why is it that I can't do
z = x?
but I can do this?
y s = x s
I'm a Haskell newbie This is what I've been trying in GHCi:
Prelude> import Happstack.Server
Prelude Happstack.Server> let x s = ok $ toResponse $ "Some string"
Prelude Happstack.Server> :t x
x :: FilterMonad Response m => t -> m Response
Prelude Happstack.Server> let y s = x s
Prelude Happstack.Server> :t y
y :: FilterMonad Response m => t -> m Response
Prelude Happstack.Server> let z = x
No instance for (FilterMonad Response m0)
arising from a use of `x'
Looks like another case of the monomorphism restriction.
You can either include the argument explicitly, i.e. y s = x s
, include an explicit type signature, or run GHCi with -XNoMonomorphismRestriction