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Handling undefined number of external variables

I'm using baseX in a REST environment and I'm quite stuck trying to run an .xq script with an undefined number of GET variables (could be 1 but could be 10) I'd like to make my xq script generic about that and construct my query independently. Is there a way to achieve that, playing with array or sending differently my variables, or I dunno how ?

here is my API call


here is my text.xq

declare variable $tag external;
declare variable $value external;

declare variable $tag2 external;
declare variable $value2 external;

  {for $doc in collection("testdb2")
    where $doc//*[name() eq $tag]/text()[matches(., $value )]
      and  $doc//*[name() eq $tag2]/text()[matches(., $value2 )]

    return <doc>{$doc//titleStmt/title/text()}</doc>

Thanks !


  • found this here (see http-params function)

    (: BaseX example :)
    (: In the controller ... :)
    module namespace c = "";
    import module namespace request = "";
    import module namespace item = "" at "views/item.xqm";
    (:~ Returns a map containing the HTTP request parameters. :)
    declare function c:http-params()
    as map(*)
        for $name in request:parameter-names()
        let $value := request:parameter($name)
        return map:entry($name, $value)
    (:~ Calls the appropriate view, based on user input. :)
    declare function c:get-view()
    as element(html)
      (: get HTTP request parameters :)
      let $params := c:http-params()
        if (map:get($params, "id")) then
          (: the presence of "id" indicates that the user is requesting the item-level page for this unique identifier :)
          (: call the item-level view :)
        else if ... (: call some other view :)
        else if ... (: call some other view :)
        else (: call the view for the home page ... :)