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replace strings in arbitrarily nested maps/arrays with XQuery/XPath 3.1

I have a map parsed from a JSON file, for example:

let $template := map{
  "name"    : "{{name}}",
  "aggregateRating": map{
    "ratingValue": "{{ratingValue}}"
  "openingHoursSpecification": map{
    "workingHours" : "{{workingHours}}",
    "workingDays": array{

And a map of values extracted from a HTML document:

let $values := map {
  "name": "My comedy Name",
  "ratingValue": 9.4,
  "workingHours": "7 PM to 3 AM",
  "workingDaysRemark": "Except for statutory holidays"

I would like to replace all the string values of $template that are of the form {{keyName}} with $values(keyName); the expected result would be:

  "name"    : "My comedy Name",
  "aggregateRating": map{
    "ratingValue": 9.4
  "openingHoursSpecification": map{
    "workingHours" : "7 PM to 3 AM",
    "workingDays": array{
      "Except for statutory holidays"

What would be a sensible way to achieve that with XPath 3.1 / XQuery?


  • There is no direct way to do this in 3.1. We're working on proposals to offer this functionality in 4.0 - see my paper presented at XML Prague last week

    In an earlier 2016 paper I considered how to do this with the 3.0/3.1 language, and came to the conclusion that the easiest solution was to convert the JSON to XML, transform the XML, and then convert the result back to JSON:

    A prototype deep update capability has been present in Saxon (commercial editions) for some years: see!extensions/instructions/deep-update -- but it's XSLT rather than XQuery.