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XQuery "except" expression is not producing a desired result

I am using BaseX latest version 11.0 beta.

I am trying to remove Texas cities in the /root/base/r sequence by using /root/remove/r sequence.

The goal is to use XQuery except expression.

Here is my XML and XQuery

declare context item := document {

let $remove := /root/remove/r
return /root/base/r except $remove

Desired output


Unfortunately, I am getting the same initial XML


It is not clear what I am doing wrong.


  • With except, the node references are compared, not their contents. For example, the following query will exclude nodes with the same node identity from the result:

    let $remove := /root/base/r[position() > 2]
    return /root/base/r except $remove

    If you want to exclude all nodes of the base branch that have the string values of the nodes of the $remove branch, you can do this:

    let $remove := /root/remove/r
    return /root/base/r[not(. = $remove)]