I have the following xml example, which I'm trying to xquery in BaseX.
<book> <title>Book 1</title> <price>15.99</price> </book> <book> <title>Book 2</title> <price>5.99</price> </book> <book> <title>Book 3</title> <price>5</price> </book>
Basically it's a series of elements with a price tag. I'm trying to extract it with a tag to each depending on the price range, so for instance less then 10 would be cheap, then average, then premium.
Thanks in advance.
Here is an example, I assumed there is a books
root element around the book
declare namespace output = "http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization";
declare option output:method "xml";
declare option output:indent "yes";
for $book in books/book
group by $cat := if ($book/price < 10) then 'cheap' else if ($book/price < 20) then 'average' else 'premium'
<category name="{$cat}">{$book}</category>
Output is e.g.
<category name="average">
<title>Book 1</title>
<category name="cheap">
<title>Book 2</title>
<title>Book 3</title>