I am currently working with Xquery, and my goal is to retrieve values from different XML documents (1000+), all in the same folder (“myFolder”), and put then into a map.
The key would be a value “type” and the value in the key would be an unique identifier.
The original documents have a structure like the following:
<!-- some siblings -- >
<!-- some siblings -- >
<!-- some siblings -- >
The final map would be like the following:
map {
type1: id1, id3, id4, id7(…)
type2: id2, id8(…)
type3: id5, id6(...)
I tried this code:
for $singleDoc in fn:collection($myURI ||"/myFolder/")
let $map= map:merge(for $t in distinct-values($singleDoc//type/string()) return
map:entry($t, $singleDoc//id/string()))
return $map
But it returned a map pro document, which is not the goal. If I then map:merge the resulting $map, it does not change anything.
Did I miss something in the path?
Thank you very much for your help!
for $doc in fn:collection($myURI ||"/myFolder/")
group by $type := $doc//type
return map { $type : $doc//id }
or perhaps
for $doc in fn:collection($myURI ||"/myFolder/")
group by $type := $doc//type
return map { $type : data($doc//id) }
to have atomic id values instead of id elements in the map.