I wrote a web application using scotty and acid state, now i would like to use type classes to be able to provide alternative implementations for the capabilities of my application for testing. I get the general idea of it and am able to apply it so simple examples but since im am using acid state there are a lot of type classes and template haskell involved which i am not entirely comfortable with yet.
so i have these straight-forward classes for the different capabilities
class Logging m where
log :: T.Text -> m ()
class Server m where
body :: m B.ByteString
respond :: T.Text -> m ()
setHeader :: T.Text -> T.Text -> m ()
class Db m where
dbQuery :: (MethodState event ~ Database,QueryEvent event) => event -> m (EventResult event)
dbUpdate :: (MethodState event ~ Database,UpdateEvent event) => event -> m (EventResult event)
and i also provided instances for them for my "production" monad.
But when it comes to the database capability i cant get to work what i want.
the class looks like this
class Db m where
dbQuery :: (MethodState event ~ Database,QueryEvent event) => event -> m (EventResult event)
dbUpdate :: (MethodState event ~ Database,UpdateEvent event) => event -> m (EventResult event)
and the instance for the production monad works fine since it only passes the event to the update and query functions of acid state, but for a test monad i would like to have something like this: instance Db Test where dbQuery (GetVersion) = use (testDb . clientVersion) dbQuery (GetUser name) = preuse (testDb . users . ix name) dbUpdate (PutUser name user) = users %= M.insert name user ... so that I can match on GetVersion,GetUser etc. (which are generated by the template haskell function makeAcidic ... ) and specify how they should be handled in the test environment.
But I get the error:
Could not deduce: event ~ GetVersion
from the context: (MethodState event ~ Database, QueryEvent event)
bound by the type signature for:
dbQuery :: (MethodState event ~ Database, QueryEvent event) =>
event -> Test (EventResult event)
at Main.hs:88:3-9
‘event’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
dbQuery :: forall event.
(MethodState event ~ Database, QueryEvent event) =>
event -> Test (EventResult event)
at Main.hs:88:3
• In the pattern: GetVersion
In an equation for ‘dbQuery’:
dbQuery (GetVersion) = use (testDb . clientVersion)
In the instance declaration for ‘Db Test’
• Relevant bindings include
dbQuery :: event -> Test (EventResult event)
(bound at Main.hs:88:3)
i guess thats because GetVersion, GetUser etc. all have a their different own types. So is there a way to do this?
I tried the suggestions proposed by Peter Amidon but sadly it still doesnt compile here is my test code
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} -- For type equality
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} -- For type equality
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- For EventResult
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- For writing castWithWitness
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} -- For convenience
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Lens
import Data.Acid
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Types
import Data.Typeable
main = return ()
getUser :: Username -> Query Database (Maybe User)
getUser name = preview (users . ix name)
getVersion :: Query Database T.Text
getVersion = view clientVersion
$(makeAcidic ''Database ['getUser,'getVersion])
castWithWitness :: forall b a. (Typeable a, Typeable b)
=> a -> Maybe (b :~: a, b)
castWithWitness x = case eqT @a @b of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just Refl -> Just (Refl, x)
exampleFunction :: forall a. QueryEvent a => a -> EventResult a
exampleFunction (castWithWitness @GetVersion -> (Just Refl, Just GetVersion)) = "1.0"
exampleFunction (castWithWitness @GetUser -> (Just Refl, Just (GetUser n))) = Nothing
and here the error
Main.hs:124:49: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Maybe
(GetVersion :~: a, GetVersion)’
with actual type ‘(Maybe (t1 :~: t2), t0)’
• In the pattern: (Just Refl, Just GetVersion)
In the pattern:
castWithWitness @GetVersion -> (Just Refl, Just GetVersion)
In an equation for ‘exampleFunction’:
(castWithWitness @GetVersion -> (Just Refl, Just GetVersion))
= "1.0"
• Relevant bindings include
exampleFunction :: a -> EventResult a (bound at Main.hs:124:1)
Main.hs:124:61: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘t0’
with actual type ‘Maybe GetVersion’
‘t0’ is untouchable
inside the constraints: t2 ~ t1
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Refl :: forall k (a :: k). a :~: a,
in an equation for ‘exampleFunction’
at Main.hs:124:55-58
• In the pattern: Just GetVersion
In the pattern: (Just Refl, Just GetVersion)
In the pattern:
castWithWitness @GetVersion -> (Just Refl, Just GetVersion)
Main.hs:125:46: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Maybe (GetUser :~: a, GetUser)’
with actual type ‘(Maybe (t4 :~: t5), t3)’
• In the pattern: (Just Refl, Just (GetUser n))
In the pattern:
castWithWitness @GetUser -> (Just Refl, Just (GetUser n))
In an equation for ‘exampleFunction’:
(castWithWitness @GetUser -> (Just Refl, Just (GetUser n)))
= Nothing
• Relevant bindings include
exampleFunction :: a -> EventResult a (bound at Main.hs:124:1)
Main.hs:125:79: error:
• Could not deduce: MethodResult a ~ Maybe a0
from the context: t5 ~ t4
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Refl :: forall k (a :: k). a :~: a,
in an equation for ‘exampleFunction’
at Main.hs:125:52-55
Expected type: EventResult a
Actual type: Maybe a0
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
• In the expression: Nothing
In an equation for ‘exampleFunction’:
(castWithWitness @GetUser -> (Just Refl, Just (GetUser n)))
= Nothing
• Relevant bindings include
exampleFunction :: a -> EventResult a (bound at Main.hs:124:1)
In this case, what you want should be possible, because a QueryEvent
or UpdateEvent
is a Method
, and a Method
is Typeable
. Typeable
lets us use functions from Data.Typeable
to inspect what specific type we have at runtime, which we can't really normally do.
Here's a small, self-contained example that doesn't directly use acid-state
but begins to illustrate the idea:
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
These aren't strictly necessary, but make it possible to make nicer syntax for matching on Event
import Data.Typeable
We need functions from this module to access the run-time typing information.
data GetVersion = GetVersion
data GetUser = GetUser String
class Typeable a => QueryEvent a where
instance QueryEvent GetVersion where
instance QueryEvent GetUser where
A simplified set of types/classes to emulate what acid-state
should produce.
pattern IsEvent p <- (cast -> Just p)
This "pattern synonym" makes it so that we can write IsEvent p
on the LHS of a pattern match and have it work the same way as if we had written (cast -> Just p)
. This latter is a "view pattern" which essentially runs the function cast
on the input and then pattern matches it against Just p
. cast
is a function defined in Data.Typeable
: cast :: forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
. This means that if we write, for example, (cast -> Just GetVersion)
, what happens is that cast
tries to convert the argument into a value of type GetVersion
, which is then pattern-matched against the value-level GetVersion
symbol; if the conversion fails (implying that the event is something else), cast
returns Nothing
, so this pattern doesn't match. This lets us write:
exampleFunction :: QueryEvent a => a -> String
exampleFunction (IsEvent GetVersion) = "get version"
exampleFunction (IsEvent (GetUser a)) = "get user " ++ a
This then works:
λ> exampleFunction GetVersion
"get version"
λ> exampleFunction (GetUser "foo")
"get user foo"
Your situation is a bit more complicated, since the (type of) the RHS of the function depends on the type of the input. We will need some more extensions for this:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} -- For type equality
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} -- For type equality
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- For EventResult
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- For writing castWithWitness
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} -- For convenience
We can also add EventResult
to our dummy simple QueryEvent
class Typeable a => QueryEvent a where
type EventResult a
instance QueryEvent GetVersion where
type EventResult GetVersion = Int
instance QueryEvent GetUser where
type EventResult GetUser = String
Instead of using cast
, we can use
castWithWitness :: forall b a. (Typeable a, Typeable b)
=> a -> Maybe (b :~: a, b)
castWithWitness x = case eqT @a @b of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just Refl -> Just (Refl, x)
The @a
and @b
are using TypeApplications
to apply eqT
to the types that castWithWitness
was applied to, which are bound via ScopedTypeVariables
using the forall
in the type signature. castWithWitness
is like cast
, but in addition to the "casted" variable, it returns a proof that the passed-in types are the same. Unfortunately, this makes it a bit harder to use: the IsEvent
pattern synonym can't be used, and the relevant type needs to be passed in directly:
exampleFunction :: forall a. QueryEvent a => a -> EventResult a
exampleFunction (castWithWitness @GetVersion -> Just (Refl, GetVersion)) = 1
exampleFunction (castWithWitness @GetUser -> Just (Refl, GetUser n)) = n
This works, because in each case, after matching on Refl
, GHC knows on the RHS of the function what a
is and can reduce the EventResult
type family.