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reinterpret_cast Fails to Compile

I am trying to gather some experience with DirectWrite but I am failing to create the factory:

I have a C++ (CLR) class

public ref class TextFormat{
    static IDWriteFactory* pBaseFactory;
    TextFormat(String^ FontFamilyName, FontWeights FontWeight,
      FontStyles FontStyle, FLOAT FontSize);

and a .cpp file with the code

HRESULT HResult = DWriteCreateFactory(

The compiler complains about the reinterpretcast "Invalid type conversion". I think I have copied the existing examples good enough and I do not see why the cast is failing.


  • I guess you are experimenting with a C++ helper library.

    I happened to run into exactly the same problem about a year ago.

    My workaround was to create a local temporary variable, run the factory creation with that variable as target and then copy the value into my helper class, just like this:

    HRESULT HResult = DWriteCreateFactory (
      __uuidof( IDWriteFactory ),
      reinterpret_cast<IUnknown**>( &pTempFactory )
    if( HResult != 0 )System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::ThrowExceptionForHR (HResult);
    pBaseFactory = pTempFactory;

    I am not sure if this is an elegant solution but it worked for me.