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Linker and Memory map for shared memory in autosar embedded environment

I am trying to understand the Autosar memory map concept. I have two core micro controller which will send some datas to each other. So I have a shared memory for IPC communication. In my project, I can able to see some of the area they have reserved for the shared memory.

Linker file:

 CORE_SHARED_RAM  : org = 0x200C1020, len = 0x00000FA0

 GROUP : {
    .CoreIpcRAM_noinit ALIGN(4): { *(.CoreIpcRAM_noinit) }


   #undef MEMMAP_ERROR 
   #pragma section DATA  ""  "CoreIpcRAM_noinit"
   #pragma section SDATA ""  "CoreIpcRAM_noinit"

   #undef MEMMAP_ERROR 
   #pragma section DATA "" ".CoreIpcRAM_noinit"
   #pragma use_section DATA m2_Ipc_Memory

I would like to understand what is this code exactly do in the memory.

  1. What is MEMORY, GROUP tag in the linker file and what is the purpose of *(.CoreIpcRAM_noinit) variable?

  2. In the Memap file, why CoreIpcRAM_noinit defined twice?

    #pragma section DATA "" "CoreIpcRAM_noinit"

    #pragma section SDATA "" "CoreIpcRAM_noinit"

  3. In the memmap file, why CoreIpcRAM_noinit used in the both M1_START_SEC_CONST_UNSPECIFIED and M2_START_SEC_IPC_MEMORY_VAR_NOINIT_32BIT definitions?

  4. What is the use of #pragma use_section DATA m2_Ipc_Memory command?


  • refer to GNU LD Linker, and other documentations

    What is MEMORY, GROUP tag in the linker file and what is the purpose of *(.CoreIpcRAM_noinit) variable ?

    MEMORY section defines the memory regions available on the microcontroller. Each memory region has a starting address (org) and length (len).

    GROUP sections or variables that should be placed in a specific memory region.

    .CoreIpcRAM_noinit ALIGN(4) section contains variables that should be placed in the CORE_SHARED_RAM and aligned to 4 bytes.

    In the Memap file, why CoreIpcRAM_noinit defined twice ?

    This is the way memory sections are handled for different data types or use cases in embedded systems.

    In the memmap file, why CoreIpcRAM_noinit used in the both M1_START_SEC_CONST_UNSPECIFIED and M2_START_SEC_IPC_MEMORY_VAR_NOINIT_32BIT definitions ?

    Both cores are likely sharing data via inter-processor communication (IPC) and need access to the same region of memory.

    What is the use of #pragma use_section DATA m2_Ipc_Memory command ?

    It tells the compiler to place all subsequent variable declarations in a section named m2_Ipc_Memory.