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How to fix a simple error in Atmel studio

I am programming an Atmega chip using Atmel studio 7. I try to define F_CPU on the first line of the main.c file. This F_CPU definition is used inside the other files. However when I compile the program the F_CPU symbol definition can't be seen by other files and the compiler throws the error shown in the picture. Thanks

The picture showing the error... [enter image description here]


  • Your #define is only visible in the main.c file. It is not defined in any other source files in your project.

    What you should do:

    define F_CPU in the project properties.

    Right click project > Properties > Toolchain > AVR/GNU C++ Compiler > Symbols
    Configuration: All Configurations
    Under "Defined symbols", add F_CPU=8000000UL

    from now on your F_CPU will be visible be all files in your project.


    It is the preferable way of defining this macrodefinition as it is used by Atmel supplied header and source files.