I'm developing a win service in using mingw
I've been trying for hours
I looked for examples on the internet I used ChatGPT
and nothing it returned works and the few examples I found
had nothing to do with what I wanted
I hope there is some way to do this the
idea and before i create the SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY
i can check if my executable was started
for a windows service,
if yes i create the
if I don't do anything else.
A little late, but this works for me to distinguish between invocation by services.exe or cmd.exe:
static BOOL AreWeAService()
{ BOOL bIsAService = FALSE;
BYTE sidService[SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE] = { 0 };
/* Create a SID for the Windows Service Group (S‒1‒5‒6) and check it against ours */
if (TRUE == ::CreateWellKnownSid(WinServiceSid, nullptr, &sidService, &cbSidSize))
::CheckTokenMembership(NULL, &sidService, &bIsAService);
return bIsAService;
It's important to allocate the SID block as SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE or the CheckTokenMembership API call will fail with an "Invalid parameter" error.