Search code examples

How do I get the data to return with multiple elements?

How do I get the data to return in multiple title elements rather than one title element?

Returns this

    Title 1
    Title 2
    Title 3

Want to return this

<title>Title 1</title>
<title>Title 2</title>
<title>Title 3</title>


(: This gets coordinates from $latLon :)
  let $result := for $coordinates in $latLon/location
                let $lat := $coordinates/lat/text()
                let $lon := $coordinates/lon/text()
(: This uses the coordinates to retrieve a title :)
                let $data := titleDoc:getTitle($lat, $lon)
                let $title := $data//div[@class="title"]/text()


  • Difficult to answer without seeing the contents of $data. But something like this should work:

    for $title in $data//div[@class="title"]
    return <title>{data($title)}</title>