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Is x86 32-bit assembly code valid x86 64-bit assembly code?

Is all x86 32-bit assembly code valid x86 64-bit assembly code?

I've wondered whether 32-bit assembly code is a subset of 64-bit assembly code, i.e., every 32-bit assembly code can be run in a 64-bit environment?

I guess the answer is yes, because 64-bit Windows is capable of executing 32-bit programs, but then I've seen that the 64-bit processor supports a 32-bit compatible mode?

If not, please provide a small example of 32-bit assembly code that isn't valid 64-bit assembly code and explain how the 64-bit processor executes the 32-bit assembly code.


  • A modern x86 CPU has three main operation modes (this description is simplified):

    • In real mode, the CPU executes 16 bit code with paging and segmentation disabled. Memory addresses in your code refer to phyiscal addresses, the content of segment registers is shifted and added to the address to form an effective address.
    • In protected mode, the CPU executes 16 bit or 32 bit code depending on the segment selector in the CS (code segment) register. Segmentation is enabled, paging can (and usually is) enabled. Programs can switch between 16 bit and 32 bit code by far jumping to an appropriate segment. The CPU can enter the submode virtual 8086 mode to emulate real mode for individual processes from inside a protected mode operating system.
    • In long mode, the CPU executes 64 bit code. Segmentation is mostly disabled, paging is enabled. The CPU can enter the sub-mode compatibility mode to execute 16 bit and 32 bit protected mode code from within an operating system written for long mode. Compatibility mode is entered by far-jumping to a CS selector with the appropriate bits set. Virtual 8086 mode is unavailable.

    Wikipedia has a nice table of x86-64 operating modes including legacy and real modes, and all 3 sub-modes of long mode. Under a mainstream x86-64 OS, after booting the CPU cores will always all be in long mode, switching between different sub-modes depending on 32 or 64-bit user-space. (Not counting System Management Mode interrupts...)

    Now what is the difference between 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit mode?

    16-bit and 32-bit mode are basically the same thing except for the following differences:

    • In 16 bit mode, the default address and operand width is 16 bit. You can change these to 32 bit for a single instruction using the 0x67 and 0x66 prefixes, respectively. In 32 bit mode, it's the other way round.
    • In 16 bit mode, the instruction pointer is truncated to 16 bit, jumping to addresses higher than 65536 can lead to weird results.
    • VEX/EVEX encoded instructions (including those of the AVX, AVX2, BMI, BMI2 and AVX512 instruction sets) aren't decoded in real or Virtual 8086 mode (though they are available in 16 bit protected mode).
    • 16 bit mode has fewer addressing modes than 32 bit mode, though it is possible to override to a 32 bit addressing mode on a per-instruction basis if the need arises.

    Now, 64 bit mode is a somewhat different. Most instructions behave just like in 32 bit mode with the following differences:

    • There are eight additional registers named r8, r9, ..., r15. Each register can be used as a byte, word, dword, or qword register. The family of REX prefixes (0x40 to 0x4f) encode whether an operand refers to an old or new register. Eight additional SSE/AVX registers xmm8, xmm9, ..., xmm15 are also available.
    • you can only push/pop 64 bit and 16 bit quantities (though you shouldn't do the latter), 32 bit quantities cannot be pushed/popped.
    • The single-byte inc reg and dec reg instructions are unavailable, their instruction space has been repurposed for the REX prefixes. Two-byte inc r/m and dec r/m is still available, so inc reg and dec reg can still be encoded.
    • A new instruction-pointer relative addressing mode exists, using the shorter of the 2 redundant ways 32-bit mode had to encode a [disp32] absolute address.
    • The default address width is 64 bit, a 32 bit address width can be selected through the 0x67 prefix. 16 bit addressing is unavailable.
    • The default operand width is 32 bit. A width of 16 bit can be selected through the 0x66 prefix, a 64 bit width can be selected through an appropriate REX prefix independently of which registers you use.
    • It is not possible to use ah, bh, ch, and dh in an instruction that requires a REX prefix. A REX prefix causes those register numbers to mean instead the low 8 bits of registers si, di, sp, and bp.
    • writing to the low 32 bits of a 64 bit register clears the upper 32 bit, avoiding false dependencies for out-of-order exec. (Writing 8 or 16-bit partial registers still merges with the 64-bit old value.)
    • as segmentation is nonfunctional, segment overrides are meaningless no-ops except for the fs and gs overrides (0x64, 0x65) which serve to support thread-local storage (TLS).
    • also, many instructions that specifically deal with segmentation are unavailable. These are: push/pop seg (except push/pop fs/gs), arpl, call far (only the 0xff encoding is valid), les, lds, jmp far (only the 0xff encoding is valid),
    • instructions that deal with decimal arithmetic are unavailable, these are: daa, das, aaa, aas, aam, aad,
    • additionally, the following instructions are unavailable: bound (rarely used), pusha/popa (not useful with the additional registers), salc (undocumented),
    • the 0x82 instruction alias for 0x80 is invalid.
    • on early amd64 CPUs, lahf and sahf are unavailable.

    And that's basically all of it!