I am working on a windows pc and cannot connect to my Microsoft SQL server with SQLAlchemy.
I have the login credentials as follows: IP, Server name, user name, database, password.
I can't use windows authorization since I want to run the finished script off an r, pi or cloud service periodically throughout the day.
password = 'xxx'
server = os.environ['xxx']
database = os.environ['xxx']
username = os.environ['xxx']
driver='{ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server}' #does not work with pyodbc if + used instead of {}
connection_string = f"mssql+pyodbc://{username}:{password}@{server}/{database}?driver={driver};Encrypt=False"
# Create the SQLAlchemy engine
engine = create_engine(connection_string)
# Test the connection
with engine.connect() as connection:
# Use the inspector to get table names
inspector = inspect(connection)
tables = inspector.get_table_names()
# Print the list of tables
print("Tables in the database:")
for table in tables:
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error connecting to the database: {e}")
I am able to connect to the server without issue using pyodbc only.
connection_string = f'DRIVER={driver};SERVER={server};DATABASE={database};UID={username};PWD={password};TrustServerCertificate=Yes;'
connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string)
print("Connection successful!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error connecting to the database: {e}")
When trying to use SQLAlchemy I either get an 08001, IM0002 or IM0012 Error depending on what I do to the connect string.
In driver='{ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server}'
I have also tried +
instead of spaces with and without {}
I have also tried with and without TrustedServerCertificate=Yes/True
and Encrypt=False/No
I expected that SQLAlchemy would have connected as easily pyodbc but I can't get it to work.
I also tried the method suggested here.
Full error:
Error connecting to the database: (pyodbc.Error) ('IM012', '[IM012] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] DRIVER keyword syntax error (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
For a SQLAlchemy connection URL, the querystring separator is &
, not ;
. Also, Encrypt=False
is not valid, use Encrypt=no
I usually recommend that people use URL.create()
to build their connection URL:
import sqlalchemy as sa
connection_url = sa.engine.URL.create(
query={"driver": "ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server", "Encrypt": "no"}
Then, if you want to see the stringified URL with the password hidden, just print it.