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SVN INFO fails in PowerShell when CD'ing into a working copy while spelling the directory name with wrong letter case

When I use Set-Location (aka cd) to change the current directory in a PowerShell window, but deliberately avoid auto-complete and type the name in the "wrong" case...

PS C:\> Set-Location winDOWs

...then Get-Location (aka pwd) will return that "wrong" path name:

PS C:\winDOWs> Get-Location


This causes problems with svn info:

PS C:\svn\myDir> svn info --show-item last-changed-revision
PS C:\svn\myDir> cd ..\MYDIR
PS C:\svn\MYDIR> svn info --show-item last-changed-revision
svn: warning: W155010: The node 'C:\svn\MYDIR' was not found.

svn: E200009: Could not display info for all targets because some targets don't exist

As you can see svn info fails when the user doesn't type the name of the working copy directory "myDir" with the correct letter case when cd'ing into it.

Is there a way to solve this? I could not find a suitable parameter of svn info.

Another option could be to overwrite PowerShell's cd alias and make sure the letter case of the typed path is fixed before actually cd'ing, but how to accomplish that? Resolve-Path, for example also returns the "wrong" directory name.


  • Something like this might work for you:

    Set-Location C:\winDOWs\sysTEm32    
    $currentLocation = (Get-Location).Path
    $folder = Split-Path $currentLocation -Leaf
    $casedPath = ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$currentLocation).Parent.GetFileSystemInfos($folder).FullName
    # if original path and new path are equal (case insensitive) but are different with case-sensitivity. cd to new path.
    if($currentLocation -ieq $casedPath -and $currentLocation -cne $casedPath)
        Set-Location -LiteralPath $casedPath 

    This will give you the proper casing for the "System32" portion of the path. You will need to recursively call this piece of code for all pieces of the path, e.g. C:\Windows, C:\Windows\System32, etc.

    Final recursive function

    Here you go:

    function Get-CaseSensitivePath
        $parent = ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$currentPath).Parent
        if($null -eq $parent)
            return $currentPath.Name
        return Join-Path (Get-CaseSensitivePath $parent) $parent.GetDirectories($currentPath.Name).Name


    Set-Location (Get-CaseSensitivePath C:\winDOWs\sysTEm32)