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Xquery importing the cts ( couldn't use its functions)

I want to find distinct terms from a text using XQuery. This is my code:

declare namespace rec="";
declare namespace cts="";

for $r in /rec:Record 
distinctive-terms( $r/rec:text,<options xmlns="cts:distinctive-terms">  <max-terms>3</max-terms></options>)

I get the following error

1.0-ml] XDMP-UNDFUN: (err:XPST0017) Undefined function distinctive-terms()

I have changed declare namespace cts=" to import module cts=", but I need a location to import it from "... " I couldn't find the location of cts Anyone know what I should do??


  • cts:distinctive-terms is a built-in function, so there is no need to import a module. The cts namespace is also built in and you shouldn't need to declare it. However, you still need to use the function prefix. Just declaring it doesn't change that.

    So: cts:distinctive-terms($r/rec:text,...)