When I try to display the contents of a register using trap task 17 I get some weird error. Here's my code:
*Equates section
program_start equ $1000 *Start Location of program
timesToAdd equ 10 *Number to multiply numToMultiply by
numToMultiply equ 512 *Number to multiply through cumulative sum
ORG program_start
START: ; first instruction of program
* Put program code here
MOVE.L #$00000000,D0 *Initially set value in D0 to 0
MOVE.B #timesToAdd,D2 *Store times left to add in D2
loop CMP.B #0,D2 *Check if we are finished adding
BEQ loop_end *exit loop if we are done
SUB.B #1,D2 *decrement timesToAdd by 1
ADDI.L #numToMultiply,D0 *Add numToMultiply to value in D0
BCC skipSet
MOVE.B #1,D1 *Set D1 to 1 if carry bit is set
skipSet BRA loop
MOVE.L #17,D0
CMP.B #0,D1 *Check if there was a carry
BEQ skipCarry
LEA Carry,A1
Trap #15 *Print Carry: with carry bit
LEA Product,A1
Trap #15
SIMHALT ; halt simulator
Carry DC.B 'Carry: '
Product DC.B 'Product= '
END START ; last line of source
When I run this, I get this output: Output
State of Registers before the trap call: Before Trap
Any help would be appreciated.
Your code horribly misuses trap. trap #15 invokes an operation indicated by d0, see the help manual. You were looking for trap 15 operation 3,
"Display signed number in D1.L in decimal in smallest field. (see task 15 & 20)"
At the time trap #15 is called, your D0 is $1400, where lower byte is 0x00, which is interpreted as
"Display n characters of string at (A1), n is D1.W (stops on NULL or max 255) with CR, LF. (see task 13)"
A1 at the time is equal to the address of the byte "Product".
It is trying to interpret the number as a c style string, and gives you garbage as a result.
Also, keep in mind that by the time you call trap, your d0 or d1/etc may have changed. ALWAYS try to keep d0 assignment as close to trap call to avoid weird things from happening. first prepare your information, then set d0, then call trap.
That is mostly the only thing preventing it from working, but I reformatted it anyway in a way that i'm more comfortable with.
;Equates section
program_start equ $1000 ; Start Location of program
timesToAdd equ 10 ; Number to multiply numToMultiply by
numToMultiply equ 512 ; Number to multiply through cumulative sum
org program_start
start: ; first instruction of program
move.l #$00000000, D0 ; Initially set value in D0 to 0
move.b #timesToAdd, D2 ; Store times left to add in D2
cmp.b #0, d2 ; Check if we are finished adding
beq loop_end ; exit loop if we are done
sub.b #1, d2 ; decrement timesToAdd by 1
addi.l #numToMultiply, d0 ; Add numToMultiply to value in D0
bcc skipSet
move.b #1, d1 ; Set D1 to 1 if carry bit is set
bra loop
; Check if there was a carry
cmp.b #0, d1
beq skipCarry
lea Carry, a1
; Print Carry: with carry bit
move.l #17, d0
move.l d0, d2
trap #15
move.l d2, d1
lea Product, a1
move.l d0, d1
move.l #3, d0
trap #15
Carry dc.b 'Carry: '
Product dc.b 'Product= '
end start