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Easy68k, Implementing this while loop

int X = 0;
int Y = 1;
while(X <= 10 ){
    if(X%2 == 0)
        Y = Y * X;

cout << "Y is: " << Y;

This is what I have for my Easy68k code.

ORG    $1000
START:                  ; first instruction of program

MOVE.W  #0,D1           ;PUT 0 IN D1 (X)
MOVE.W  #1,D2           ;PUT 1 IN D2 (Y)

LOOP CLR.W   D3        ;Find the remainder
     MOVE.W  D1,D3
     DIVU    #2,D3
     SWAP    D3

     CMP     #0,D3      ;Compare remainder with 0
     BEQ     EQUAL      ;If equal, then go to equal

     ADD.W   #1,D2      ;Y++
     ADD.W   #1,D1      ;X++

     CMP     #11,D1     ;Compare D1 with 11
     BEQ     DONE       ;If D1 equals 11, break loop.      
     BRA     LOOP

EQUAL MULU.W  D1,D2     ;Multiply D1 and D2 and store it in D2
      ADD.W   #1,D1     ;X++
      CMP     #11,D1    ;Compare D1 with 11
      BEQ     DONE      ;If D1 equals 11, break loop. 
      BRA     LOOP

     MOVE.W #14,D0
     TRAP #15

     MOVE.W  D2,D1

     MOVE.W #3,D0
     TRAP #15

    SIMHALT             ; halt simulator

MESSAGE DC.W    'Y is: ',0

    END    START        ; last line of source

I'm not exactly sure what is incorrect about my code but I have a feeling it is an issue at the beginning of the loop section. I have followed along with the code but I still cannot figure out where it is going wrong. When I run it, it outputs Y is: 10. D1 and D2 are also both A or 10. Any help is appreciated.


  • After doing the division and swap you still have both result and remainder of the division in d3. This means it will never be zero and the comparison is always false. You need to zero the upper part with and or use a form.of cmp that only uses the lower part.

    Just a note: when you are doing remainders of powers of two you can also skip the division and use and directly with the value minus one. In this case the remainder of division by two is the same as and with the value 1.